Hersteller: NEUTRIK

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Patrick Overhage

vom eBusiness Team
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Tel: +49 (0) 25 72 / 93 51 - 515

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powerCon 20 A

PowerConThe powerCON is a locking 3 conductor equipment AC connector with contacts for line, neutral and pre-mating ground contact. It replaces appliance couplers wherever a very rugged solution in combination with a locking device is needed in order to guarantee a safe power connection.

The easy to use and reliable quick-lock system ensures a perfect connection and cannot be released accidentally. The circular connectors offer the Neutrik® unique chuck type strain relief and a reinforced housing for robust dependability.

The main areas of application are in the measurement, test and control, automotive and machine tool industry as well as medical technology.

  1. 14.10.2019 - Jetzt im Shop verfügbar: Das komplette Katalog-Sortiment von Neutrik



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